Every pedestrian who uses the road alongside automobiles and trucks runs the risk of getting hit by one of these vehicles. You still face the danger of being a victim of a negligent or reckless driver even if you obey traffic signals and only cross at designated crosswalks. In the case of an accident, this roadside vulnerability may result in devastating physical harm, including brain, spinal cord, and death injuries.

If you or a loved one suffered injuries while crossing the street, pedestrian injury attorneys York, PA can assist. They strive to get you the compensation you are entitled to since they are aware of the serious consequences these kinds of incidents can inflict. 

What Should You Do?

Your ability to get the compensation you are entitled to might be greatly impacted by the days and weeks after your York, Pennsylvania accident. When it's safe to do so, do the actions listed below if you or a family member has been in a pedestrian accident.

Speak with the authorities

Upon an accident, you should call the police right away even if you don't think you've been hurt too badly. Your prospects of receiving compensation for your injuries down the road may be harmed if you delay reporting the accident.

Ask witnesses to remain on the scene so they can speak with the police if there are any. Request a copy of the police report by getting in touch with the authorities. Remember to check the report for any errors the police may have unintentionally added. In that case, you might ask for a correction.

Take pictures at the accident scene.

Take pictures of the accident scene if you can. Take photos of everyone and everything that was involved, including yourself, the car that hit you, any injuries you may have had, and any other people. When taking pictures with your phone, make sure you don't share any of them on social media because they might be used against you in court.

We recognize that you might not be able to collect information at the site if the accident leaves you seriously injured. If you can't get a friend to do this for you, start taking notes as soon as you can to record as much information as you can. 

Share information

Information exchange with the driver is the next phase. Request their name, phone number, and insurance company. After the collision, refrain from having solo conversations with the motorist, his or her York personal injury lawyers, or the insurance provider. Converse with the driver via your insurance company or pedestrian injury attorneys York, PA instead. If at all possible, get the witnesses' contact details as well.

Speak with a pedestrian accident lawyer

Having a conversation with a pedestrian accident lawyer is the last step following an accident. After any accident, you usually only have two years to initiate a personal injury case. Your pedestrian injury attorneys York, PA can put together your case and bring a lawsuit to compensate for your lost wages and medical expenses. You can get the money you're entitled to with the assistance of an accomplished attorney.

What Damages Can I Receive for a York Pedestrian Accident Claim? 

A pedestrian accident might have astronomical financial consequences. You may be entitled to compensation for your economic damages if you are struck by a car. The following could be among these damages:

  • Medical expenses
  • The price of personal care
  • At-home nursing assistance
  • Rehabilitative services
  • Reduced earning potential and lost wages
  • Expenses borne personally

Punitive damages, on the other hand, penalize the defendant for particular kinds of actions. There are very few trials involving personal injuries where damages are granted. To ascertain whether punitive damages are appropriate in each case, the York personal injury lawyers examine the relevant facts. The specifics of your accident will determine the value of your lawsuit. For instance, the amount of damages depends on how serious your injuries were. In general, catastrophic injuries raise the amount of damages awarded. Your liability for causing the accident, the parties engaged in the occurrence, the quality of your evidence, and the availability of insurance coverage all affect how much you get for your pedestrian accident claim.


If you have been hurt in an accident, don't be afraid to get in touch with York personal injury lawyers. It costs nothing to speak with a pedestrian injury attorney in York, PA for the first time. Get the counsel you require to safeguard your claim to compensation for your losses and injuries.